Monday, November 8, 2010

Driven to Distraction

When I sit down to do my Bible study it is amazing the burden I develop for things like... Laundry.  Dishes.  Closet cleaning.  Amazing.


  1. And isn't it AMAZING how at that exact moment that you sit down, your children wake up! Or are already awake and need something RIGHT. THAT. SECOND. Or your nose runs and you need a tissue. Or your stomach growls. It is truly infuriating the distraction that takes the place of the true burden: hunger and thirst for God's Word! Anyway - I'm with ya girl. It is truly amazing.

  2. Yes Steph, I am with you too. It is crazy how that seems to be the case... or for me sometimes it happens even before I sit down! Although, I must say, it is a good reason for me to try harder... thus wanting it more. Maybe a divine push in the right direction?
