Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu?

Eeeeew. If I have to get the flu (or die from the flu), for some reason I can't stand the thought of it being titled 'The Swine Flu.' Can't it be something that sounds tougher? Like the 'Strong Enough to Kill a Horse Flu' or the 'Only the Good Die Young Flu.' The Swine Flu just sounds gross.

I learned yesterday that this is not the first time the Swine Flu has hit America. In 1976 a man died in the US from it. That man's death prompted the CDC to create and release somewhere around 250 million doses of a hastily made vaccine. Somewhere around the 40 millionth shot they halted. The reason they stopped was 32 deaths and at least 500 cases of paralysis, all from this vaccine. All for one death from Swine Flu. Unnecessary panic.

That seems to be what is happening this go round. No one has died in the US from this and yet Obama is declaring a state of emergency. So, is it necessary? One thing I have learned from Obama's 99 days in office is that when he wants you to look at one hand, you had better be looking at the other. What is he going to get passed now, while the US holds its collective breath over Swine Flu? His own chief of staff is quoted as saying "Never let a crisis go to waste." That's why I am asking myself, what will this so called crisis be used for by the Obama administration? The AIG scandal was a smokescreen. While everyone was up in arms over business men getting bonuses (that the federal government allowed them to have) Obama was busy printing a TRILLION dollars without even asking you or me.

I have no faith in my government. I am increasingly mistrusting, suspicious, and scared of what this administration will pass next. It seems to me that Obama and his minions are shoving every extreme left policy democrats have wanted for the past 20 years through as fast as they possibly can. When will the average American wake up to what is going on? A CA Dem has actually proposed removing term restrictions from the president. Can you imagine? I'm not sure we're going to survive four years with this morally inept president, let alone a lifetime! Oh sure, tell me that I'm crazy and that would never happen in America. But did you really ever think, that in this country, a Pastor would not be able to speak out on Homosexuality from the pulpit because of Hate Speech crimes? It's coming. They are discussing that very thing in congress right now. Or, did you ever think in America we would allow International law to tell us how to run our country? That too is on the docket! We are one of only two countries who have not signed the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child, but now we are considering it. Sounds sweet, huh? I mean, who doesn't want to protect children's rights. But it's from you they are being protected! You can't spank your child when they misbehave, you may not even be able to take them to church more than once a week, or stop them from smoking pot or having sex with their boyfriend. Many people haven't heard about these things because they are being done quietly... while Obama has you looking elsewhere. This administration is anything but transparent. I just want people to see that.

Yes, people have died in Mexico from Swine Flu. Should we do everything we can to stop it from spreading further? Of course. But, the CDC says that 36,000 people die in America every year from flu. Not the Swine Flu, other flues. We aren't in a state of emergency over that. So why over Swine Flu? Just wondering what that other hand is up to.

1 comment:

  1. I love your eloquence of speech and your passion for politics. Thank you for keeping me informed!
    And agreed: the name Swine Flu is absurd and disgusting.
