Monday, August 8, 2011

So? I like things clean.

I wash library books.

It all started one rainy afternoon. Holland and I had returned home from the library giddy over our large pile of borrowed treasures. Popcorn was popped, pillows piled, a plethora of publication perfection. Alliteration. So fun. Moving on.
Tucker's Spooky Halloween is Holland's favorite book all year long and after having returned it late the previous time and not being able to renew (devastation) it was good to have Tucker back.

Apparently Tucker should never have been allowed to leave our home.

The first few pages were just like old times, that dog sure is determined to have a spooky costume, I mean really, if ever a dog was going to find a way to frighten the crap out of some poor unsuspecting two year old trick or treaters, it's Tucker. Kudos, Tucker. Kudos.
It was then that the defaming was discovered. Right there on little Tucker's cowboy hat was some snot nosed kid's gift to every other Tucker reader out there.
Holland's reaction: "Aaaahhh! Is that a BOOGER? Gross! Who would do that? Who would do that to Tucker? You have to get that off, Mommy!". To which I said, "Oh no I don't! You get if off!" To which she reminded me how I'm the grown up and she is the kid and how I should really take my responsibilities a little more seriously. Or something like that.
The booger was successfully removed but we were both a little scarred.
I just couldn't handle the thought of my girls taking library books anywhere near their beds or not washing their hands after reading them. Or heck, having them in the house at all. 

So. Now I wash library books. Obviously not paper pages. But board books get a thorough germ killing wipe down before they ever enter a child's room.
It takes forever.  But all fear is removed.
And if you'd like a list of our current check outs I can get that right over to you.

Clean books air drying. 
Yes, I drink Diet Dew while I clean them.
It takes forever.


  1. Bahahaha, so funny. And so gross! I would do the same (and now probably will, thanks for the idea!) However, I am now grossing out over all the unwashed library books I've had in the past. Eeew.

  2. That is so disgusting!!!! I never want my kids to check out the stuffed animal puppets for that very same reason! My counter looked like that a couple years back when Brooke spilled an entire 32oz bottle of water into our library bag that was holding 15 books! I think I titled my post "losing it at the library" bc I was in tears when they told me at least 11 of the books had to be replaced at $15-$16 a pop! Oh goodness!!! And CONGRATULATIONS on John's new job! I'm so happy for you and this answered prayer. You kept such a great posture of praise throughout the whole thing...sounds like this will be great for your family. A nice way to begin this soon approaching fall season. He is faithful and good! Much love friend!
