Friday, January 27, 2012

Be Present

I love the concept of Being Present in my life.  I'm just not real good at applying it. 

The thought behind it is to slow down, look around, and notice what is swirling all around you. 
Breathe in the smell of dinner.  Look, instead of just seeing, your children as they play on the floor while you cook.  Listen a little more closely.

Be aware, be present, be mindfully engaged.

Here are a few examples of what made me stop and savor this week.
A sunny room with a comfy little girl.  Comfort.

Popping popcorn with a clear lid brings all the girls in to watch.  Togetherness.

Catching Holland smashing down through the giant snowball she was about to pose on.  Laughter.

A three year old still be rocked by her Daddy.  Time Passing.
Slowin' it down over here.  Soaking it up.


  1. Oh, my kindred spirit. How I struggle with this as well. Why can't I Why are the things we always WANT to do the hardest to do?!

  2. P.S. - I love that you make popcorn this way! We do too, and I love using the clear lid even just for myself. :) The simple pleasures.
